02 May

If by some chance you happen to be unable to publish your books the traditional way, you need to give up not. You can try out the self publishing approach to publishing your book.

In this day and age, it is much easier for you as an author to get started with self publishing and promoting your book as an author. Self publishing is one of the best ways to get along as an author, for you have in it the opportunity to take that charge of your destiny, shape it as you wish for and be your own boss. The following are some of the author marketing tips that will help you self publish your own works and books.

Think of using social media channels to help promote your book. Facebook ads are such a great alternative to think of when it comes to the use of the social media platforms for the promotion of your authored works. Why think of the Facebook ads in the first place? You may be thinking it possible for you to just run campaigns on other platforms and just get the same results. But the fact is that this is one approach that may not work. Using Facebook ads opens an opportunity for you to reach an audience that you may not have reached otherwise. The audience you get to reach through the use of the Facebook ads is one that will most likely be ready to make purchases for your book. This is basically the reason why you need to consider using the Facebook ads for the promotion of your book as a self publishing author. Havig seen just what Facebook ads are and how they are effective when it comes to effectively promoting your books as a self publishing author, now see here for some of the tips to get started in creating the Facebook ads for your book promotional needs. Learn how to market your books here!

Added to this, as a self publishing author, you may as well just come to realize the need to be as familiar with how effective and useful platforms like Amazon may be in this endeavor. Amazon has become one of the largest of the companies in the world. As a self publishing author, you may want to make use of their online bookstore and Kindle that will be of much use as you seek to promote your books thereon. Here are some tips to help you make use of this platform to promote your books as a self publishing author or novelist. Check out some more facts about marketing, go to https://www.britannica.com/topic/marketing.

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